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Thursday 8 January 2015


Hello my lovelies,

As a thank you to everyone who has supported my blog and Facebook page since I started it I am going to run a small competition. 

Once I reach 1000 likes on my FB blog page I am going to give away a copy of The Hairy Dieters 'How to love food and lose weight' book. I purchased the book over Christmas and the recipes are fabulous and so suitable for anyone on the Weight Watchers program.

If you would like to enter the competition all you need to do is go to my FB blog page by clicking the link  >>HERE<<  and follow the steps mentioned in the pinned post!

The steps are as follows

1. Like this Facebook page

2. Like and share the pinned competition post
3. Tag 2 friends who you think would like the page/blog and would like to enter the comp

Once we reach 1000 likes a WINNER will be chosen.

Until next time,

Grá :) xx

Sunday 4 January 2015

Welcome 2015 welcome....

Hello my lovelies :)

It has been a LONG time since I have blogged I know! I always say I’ll write a post but then I end up doing a quick little post on my FB page instead! However since I have had a busy Christmas and haven’t posted on the FB blog page I said I’d dust my poor blog down with a post!

Firstly, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Joyous and prosperous New Year. I hope you spent the holidays with those you love and care about. I hope you all enjoyed yourself but most importantly I hope you are not all beating yourself up about how ‘bad’ you were over the holidays and how ‘fat’ you feel now!

I personally went off plan after Mass on Christmas Eve and I returned to the plan on January 1st. Initially I hadn’t planned on such a long period off but I am glad I took it! 

My boyfriend Temi was also home for Christmas this year which was amazing! He is still around for another few days before he heads back to the Netherlands but it has been so nice to just have him around.  Anyway I’ll give a quick overview of my Christmas holidays below :)

On Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and St. Stephen’s Day I volunteered myself to help out in Limerick Animal Welfare which is only 10miles away from my home. I spent the most wonderful 3 days with the most adorable dogs, I never cleaned so much dog poo or washed so many kennels but I loved it! What I especially loved was the long walks with the dogs!

  Me and my darling Gilbert

Gilbert, Tarzan & Chilory

Johnno & Foróige

If anyone is interested in volunteering or donating to LAW here is the link to their Facebook page >>LAW<<.

I enjoyed every mouthful on Christmas day although I did not go crazy! I had some chocolates, trifle and my beautiful dinner but in the past I’d have had double the amount so because of that I am happy.
On Saturday the 27th I had a family wedding *just like last year*. I was feeling sick that day however (sore throat, cough and so on) but I still had a great day especially as my boyfriend was there too unlike last year when he wasn’t home for Christmas.

I remember the wedding last year and how amazing I felt in my dress. This year I didn’t feel so amazing and that is because I am about 22lbs heavier. The spanx were well and truly on however I just felt uncomfortable with my stomach in the dress but thankfully in the pictures a well placed clutch bag hid that! However my boyfriend did hear me mention it a few times (I shot him down straight away when he asked me about it) and in the coming days we had a good chat about how 2014 was not my year weight loss wise. I don’t speak about my weight or WW to people I know don’t have or never had an issue with weight. If someone brings up my weight or something like that I get very defensive and I close up! This is what happens with dear old Temi, God bless the boy he is a saint to put up with me at times! But anyway after me speaking about the year and Temi giving me reassurance that no I don’t look like ‘two tonne tessie’ or a ‘heifer’ as I said it put me in good form! I hadn’t told him that I rejoined WeightWatchers before Christmas because I suppose I was in the mind frame that no one needed to know *ie Temi* until I lost what I gained to feel better about myself. That however was silly as by telling Temi I’d have his support and positivity to help me! Anyway I feel a lot better since we spoke about me and how slightly crap 2014 has made me feel!

After the 27th, Temi and I divided the coming days between catching up with my family and friends at home and then visiting our friends in Cork and then back to visit his family. 

Me and my friend Mary at the afters of another wedding

We spent New Year’s Eve with his family and then went out for a few drinks which was super nice. It was an enjoyable few days especially catching up with our friends but it didn’t leave me much opportunity to get back on plan but that was okay because I knew that by the very latest of January 1st I would be back on plan.  As I said I will start 2015 as I want it to continue à following WeightWatchers and oozing positivity :)

I’m back with Temi and his family since yesterday will stay at his until he leaves for the aiport on Tuesday morning (sad face). I’ve got all my food prepped and weighed with me so there will be no excuses. We went to the cinema to see the Hobbit last night and I enjoyed the treats I bought with me instead of buying junk there. Satisfied :)

Before Christmas I rejoined WeightWatchers as I finally found a class I could make most weeks (and if I couldn’t make that one I’d make another one in Co. Cork). Anyway I’m definitely looking forward to getting back to meetings, I’m going to go tomorrow morning to a class in Ennis since I’m here and just want to get back to meetings so it’ll be eight days until my next one, an added day to work hard :)

I’m also beginning my FINAL Teaching practice on January 12th! I can’t believe I am almost finished my post grad! On March 30th I will be sitting my final exam and then hopefully my September 2015 I will be in a wonderful classroom with some wonderful children! Oh the excitement! 2015 is going to be a great year I can just feel it! I bought myself two things I’ve wanted with AGES to help me during 2015 and they are:

The Hairy Dieters First book purchased from >>HERE<<

and the Fitbit Charge purchased from Currys 

If you want any further information on the Fitbit products just visit >>HERE<< .I’ve wanted one since they first came out so for me the investment was worth it.

No new year’s post can be complete without the mention of resolutions eh! This year I am not making a list of resolutions instead I am just thinking about some of the things I would like to achieve. Back in August I posted about the things I would like to achieve in 2015. The post can be found here >>HERE<<. I have already signed up for the Hell and Back challenge on February 1st (probably not a great idea during TP but it’ll be worth it) and I have signed up for the half marathon. Only problem with the half marathon now is that I have decided to not continue with running. Over the last 12 months my knee has gotten worse and worse and it is because of running. It is an issue I have had with a long time but I am known to push myself past what I am able to do and then end up injured so after a long think I decided I’d give up running and focus on all the other sports and activities I am into! So I won’t be running the half marathon I’ll be power walking! As the year progresses I will hopefully add more things to the list but for now I like the list I have.

Anyway that is definitely enough of a rant for now! Fair play if you actually read it all I do ramble a fair bit so I do apologise but that’s me!

May 2015 be a great year for us all. May we be blessed with good health and fortune. May we reach our goals and most importantly may we all be happy with ourselves.

Until next time,

Grá :) xx